As a pastor or someone in ministry, you may benefit from all the resources on this site. In addition to the resources on the other pages, this page has been created specifically with you in mind.
These resources are provided to assist pastors and people in ministry find quality tools and materials for helping people live with sexual integrity.
Sermons - These will download for your convenience
What Went Wrong with Sex - Pastor Chase Replogal
Healthy Sexuality Sermon Outline
A-Call-to-Action-2025 - State of Sex in America
Key Websites
Covenant Eyes - Information and helpful resources
Fight the New Drug -Information and helpful resources
Fight the New Drug - Teens using porn to learn about sex
Fight the New Drug - Teen Articles
pureHope -Information and helpful resources
Pure Desire Ministries -Information and helpful resources
The Conquer Series - Excellent Video series for Men and Porn
Click on the links below for the ICS PowerPoint Presentations:
Parenting in a Hyper-Sexualized Culture
Outline - Parenting in a Hyper-Sexualized Culture
Sexual Conditioning - Arousal Template
Building the Wall - Our Sexual Legacy
Porn Reports/Statistics
How Viewing Pornography Shapes the Religious Lives of Young Americans